Tuesday, June 18, 2013

No wonder...

Warning: racy images*

It's no wonder that girls and women don't generally bat an eyelash at all the sexualization and objectification we face in the media.

It's because it's everywhere.

I mean, we're faced with this from Peta. Really, Peta?

And this little beauty from Belevedere Vodka:

Last one:

I'm talking everywhere. Even fast food joints use sex to sell.

No thank you, Burger King:

Or Carl's Jr.:

Or Carl's Jr., again:

Okay, mostly Burger King and Carl's Jr.

Faced with these images of how to treat a woman, how we're allowing others to treat us, and how to be the perfect woman, it's not at all surprising that women "hate" their bodies. This survey, in Glamour Magazine found that 97% of 300 women had at least one negative thought about their body each day. And not just a little, "Ugh, my hair's a bit nuts today" thought. Nope, an "I hate my body" thought. That's strong.

That's awful. 

We're taught that it's normal to hate our bodies. We're taught that seeing women in violent scenes is normal. We're taught that we must be constantly sexy (you know, like eating a salad in bed).

And it's not normal.

It's time to talk back to the advertisers. Write letters. Write emails. Start petitions on Change.org. Make phone calls. But you've got to do something. Even just one thing. There will be no changes until we demand them, so it's time to start demanding.

What company or corporation will you write to?

*The irony of posting a warning regarding the racy images at the top of this post did not escape me.

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