Maddy Blythe, an incoming sixth grade girl in Locust Grove, Georgia, has just been informed that she will no longer be allowed to play on her school's football team. And, yes, it's because she's a girl.
But it's more shocking than just that.
She will not be allowed to play because (and please note my quotation marks coming up here...yes, a school official actually said this), "Our official policy is that middle school girls play girl sports and middle school boys play boy sports." I'm sorry, what does that even mean? Boy sports? Girl sports? Aren't sports just...sports?
Maddy's mother was apparently told that she can no longer play because they boys are going to "start lusting after her...and male locker-room talk is not appropriate for a female." (No, she does not share the male locker-room, she and her innocent ears uses the female locker room).
Her parents, however, totally rock, and they're going to appeal the decision. They want to show Maddy that "hard work and determination pay off."
Go, Maddy! We'll be watching for your story's development as football season draws near!